Let Garrison lead your next meeting.
Why Is Professional Speaker Garrison Wynn A Good Choice For Your Next Corporate Event Or Association Meeting?
With talents that established him as a Fortune 500 leader and professional stand-up comedian, Garrison Wynn, CSP, fuses comic timing and research to deliver motivational business expertise. For 26 years, he has given keynote presentations to clients (such as American Express, Amazon, Caterpillar, Walmart, Berkshire Hathaway, Intel, McDonalds, the NFL, and NASA) at corporate and association events. He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author who has been featured in Forbes and Inc. Magazines. In his teens he helped debut the world’s first video console gaming system (Odyssey) and as a young man spent 6 years as a pro standup touring comedy clubs with the top names in the business. He went on to become the youngest department head in a Fortune 500 company’s history where he researched and designed processes for 38 company locations nationwide, and developed and marketed products still being sold in 30 countries.

Garrison helps people make the jump from being great at what they do to developing the qualities it takes to be consistently chosen for the job. He gets them to understand why their products, services, or leadership styles-or those of their competitors-are selected. As he says, “If the world agreed on what’s best, everybody would choose the best and nothing else would be considered. Decision making doesn’t work that way.” His presentations help people become more influential regardless of circumstances.
Known for his ability to connect with any audience, Garrison delivers powerful, original content built on breakthrough research that he customizes with specifics from your industry. His gruntwork-to-great background from ditch digging (we’re not kidding!) to executive leadership, with sales, marketing, safety, manufacturing, and show biz in between means that no industry or work experience is beyond Garrison’s ability to identify with or apply insight to. He can reach the CEO and the janitor in the same audience with a consistent, relevant message. He personalizes programs to give audiences the relational and behavioral insights they’ll need if they want to influence and succeed.
Garrison delivers valuable tools your group can apply immediately. His down-to-earth, relatable style includes a strong mix of humor and realism that entertains as it educates. With TV and film credits to his name and six years as a touring professional stand-up comedian, Garrison expertly engages audiences, making his keynotes meaningful and memorable. Beyond the humor, he delivers high-impact, motivational programs that answer the big question that everyone wants to know: How do you get people to do what you want when you want?
The information we deliver is based on research, not theory. It started with a Gallup Institute study that surveyed 80,000 managers and one million employees to discover how employee opinion affects productivity. In addition, we have assembled the results from Wynn Solutions’ ten-year study of 5,000 leaders in 323 organizations and 21 industries that identified what the most successful have in common. All our programs include the “beyond-best” practices from Wynn Solutions’ survey of top performers.